Rachel will be with us all weekend running several wonderful workshops including:
1. Kitchen Witch
2.Make your own Witch ladders
3. Book reading and signing
4. Wild Magick
We are delighted that Jonathon will be joining us this year for 2 talks
1. Sigil Magic -the creation, charging and releasing of a variety of different 'short-term-sigils' to assist everyday actiities and for making practical changes.
2. Scrying - Scrying is the art of sensory observation. It takes our perception of the present and enables us view forwards (and sometimes backwards) at events that carry significance to us and others. This workshop will explore several techniques to develop these skills.
The Antlered Ones - From Deer to Deity
Exploring our connection with the Antlered ones, from ancestral links with the deer as givers of life and sustenance, to our worship and reverence of Antlered Deities.
Workshop 1: Cloud and Tree Scrying: Lucya Starza will explain how to use clouds and trees for divination and then everyone will have a go at sitting outside and getting messages from nature. If it is raining, this can be done indoors as a guided visualisation instead
Workshop 2: Creating Seasonal Mandalas from Flowers. In this practical workshop, people will make seasonal art by arranging foraged flowers and then use it for meditation.
A Shamanic Experience: Creating Ceremony and Tuning the Senses
Come, learn and experience the power of ceremony, find out how we can weave it into our life and how it can become an integral part of our life's journey.
A Shamanic Experience: Reclaiming the Voice
Honouring the Ancestors
The Power of songs, chants.
We will use the voice to sing and chant, exploring the most powerful instrument we own…The voice.
As we sing to spirit and our ancestors we will be discovering the diversity and range of the sound within.
A workshop with Bruce where together we will explore the wisdom of the Veda's.
We will raise our vibration through the use of ancient mantra's and we will learn meditation techniques to calm and centre us. These simple but effective techniques are both healing and transformational, they are easily incorporated into daily life and their use will promote
well-being for mind, body and soul with long lasting effects.
1. Tarot 101
The history of the tarot deck with an accompanying workshop for beginners in tarot and the use of tarot.
2. Fenland Gods-discover the local gods. Discover how the land shaped the local belief and learn how to create a worship space to work with these gods.
3. Witchcraft 101 and protection spell workshop
Elen is the ancient antlered Goddess of Albion. People find Elen in very personal ways and she has many associations. The Temple of Elen was founded by Sami Marks and Suzi Edwards Goose, many moons ago, and the community of Elen followers purchased the Temple so that it could move around her sacred land offering guidance and community, in her honour.
The Temple will be running workshops all weekend. See their boards at the camp for further info
Vimala provides yoga sessions in its entirety combining
physical, mental & where the practice leads, I offer
spiritual aspects through meditations and pranayama
(breathing techniques) and limited call & response
Early mornings in the main marquee
Meditation with the drum workshop.
This will be a gentle but powerful meditation to clear the chakras in preparation for any future healing and spiritual growth needed at the time of meditation...the sound of the drum will resonate with the body’s energy and help shift and clear blockages that are holding you back in life..
Past life with Drum
This will be a gentle Past Life with the beat of the drum.. I will talk and guide you through this Past Life asking for guidance and clearing of energies that no longer serve you well.
Sound bath meditation session for
children or adults,
Through the use of the healing frequencies of singing bowls and percussion instruments to create Sound Baths
Whilst you lie in a meditative state feel the vibrations wash over you from the crystal singing bowls, Tibetan bowls, chimes and water sounds created on percussive instruments to enliven the senses and feel vibrational healing through
every cell of your body.
Childrens sound baths include an opportunity for them to explore the instruments together and create their own soundbath experience
Kellie Jones and Tom Gutgridge aka Gong to the Moon Sound Journeys have been holding space and helping to expand consciousness using sound frequencies for over 5 years.
The deep sounds of the gongs naturally help you to arrive into a state of relaxation and meditation, as the sounds help to give your mind something to distract it from itself. You will find yourself feeling much calmer and peaceful as your thoughts begin to soften
Native BioRegional Animism - Healing the rift with our living world
What is BioRegional Animism and how will it help us to reconnect with a living, sustainable world view? Reunification of ourselves and the sacred.
Womb Art Workshop
"Created while I was in recovery from my hysterectomy, it gave me such sadness to know we aren't told the full story when we make choices with our bodies, this is an open workshop for
woman to express, feel there emotions and come together while we create a stunning art work to aid the healing process, all while holding space together all to learn we have a voice."
In this workshop you will be learning to sing from the soul.
Singing is a healer and to sing in
a group of like minded people is a wonderful thing. It builds onfidence, it heals the soul and it makes you happy.
Join me as we work with various techniques with the voice. And have
Aleister Crowley – The Man Behind the Myth
Matthew Routledge is best described as a curious amateur, with an interest (and practice) in a varied range of “schools” of the occult. He has been running Pagan Events for a number of years and also co-runs a small occult publishing house.
Known by most as Hobbs, I am a storyteller and sometimes story writer who loves to share these stories with others. Stories, songs with a story, poems and random ideas. I would love to take you for a journey around the British isles and further afield.
Aspects of Litha :
A seasonal talk about some of the lore and practices at this time of year and give some ideas for practical ways to mark the season and get in the mood for it.
Druidry and the blessings of darkness
Darkness is part of the natural world. All too often the idea of darkness is used to represent evil, rather than mystery and rest. When we explore the blessings of the darkness we have scope to heal, and to engage more wholly with the natural world.
Goddess Pathworking
With sounds and smells, explore the journey to meet with your goddess and spend time in
her presence.